One from a series of 'Odd Characters' repeating half-drop patterns I've made. This series is always a slanting group of monsters, robots, tentacles and other assorted odd fellows.
Cabinet of Curiosities
The idea of Cabinet of Curiosities (aka the WunderKammer) has long fascinated me. I've been exploring this topic in both patterns and a work-in-progress picture book.

Objects from the Cabinet of Curiosities

Cabinet Man repeating pattern
Pointy Pine Trees Pattern

Pointy Pines in 3D on yellow repeating pattern.
Harry Potter Universe Project
A project as was working on right at the end of my time with The Wall Street Journal - an interactive looking at the various arms of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter universe.

Harry Potter Universe repeating pattern 1
The Yeti Goes Camping Pattern

I'm a longtime defender and admirer of The Yeti.
P.S. 10 Benefit Pattern
A drawing for a benefit auction for P.S. 10 in Brooklyn, New York. I subsequently made a repeating pattern from the original drawing.

Original drawing

P.S. 10 repeating pattern
Shangri-La Pattern
Cool strange objects, many of them from my brother's apartment in Brooklyn.

Yosemite Sketch Pattern
Culled from a Field Notes 50 State edition sketchbook while in Tuolumne Meadows.

Flotsam and Jetsam
Another pattern collection culled from objects washed up on the beach.

Archaeologist's Junk Drawer

Dark blue on blue repeating pattern

Blue on dark grey repeating pattern
Driftwood Repeating Pattern
Drawn on location in Sea Ranch California.

I'm a big fan of drawing driftwood.
Monster Wallpaper

I like the idea of a wallpaper that looks fancy and floral from afar but upon close inspection is all tentacles, fangs and claws.